How to use qchem in Mare Nostrum (BSC) [Currently not available!]¶
Preliminar information¶
Requirements to acces to qchem
Have a MareNostrum account ( or
Available qhem compilations
qchem_group_mpi: Current in development version of qchem parallel MPI [mpi intel mkl version]
Load custom modules¶
To acces to qchem you should be able to load custom modules located in /home/hpce17/hpce17274/privatemodules privatemodules. To do this you may modify the MODULEPATH environment variable as follows:
export MODULEPATH=/home/hpce17/hpce17274/privatemodules/:$MODULEPATH
Once this is done, you should be able to see the custom modules (qchem_trunk & qchem_group) executing the command:
module avail
To use qchem, just load the corresponding module as usual:
module qchem_group_mpi
Note: $MODULEPATH environment variable definition can be defined in user’s ~/.bashrc configuration file so it becomes defined for all calculation by default.
Run interactive qchem¶
SLURM queue system allows to run calculation interactivelly for testing purposes using a single node up to 4 cores. To enter to them use the command:
salloc --partition=interactive -n 4
there is a time limit in interactive mode of aprox. 1 hour. For similar purposes debug queue can also be uses with similar time limitations but allowing to use a larger number of cores:
salloc --qos=debug -n 96
Batch job example parallel MPI¶
All commands described previously can be gathered in a simple script to run in batch. This is a simple example:
#SBATCH --job-name="test qchem"
#SBATCH --workdir=/home/hpce17/hpce17274/test/test1
#SBATCH --output=test_water.log # standard output dile
#SBATCH --error=test_water.err # standard error file
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=4 # number of cores per node
#SBATCH --nodes=1 # number of nodes (1 recomended)
#SBATCH --time=01:00:00 # Max time for this job hh:mm:ss
# load module qchem
export MODULEPATH=/home/hpce17/hpce17274/privatemodules/:$MODULEPATH
module load qchem_group_mpi
# set scrach directory
export QCSCRATCH=/home/hpce17/hpce17274/scratch/qchem_scratch/
# launch qchem
qchem -np $SLURM_NTASKS_PER_NODE water_dime.out