Technical information and documentation¶
- SVN working notes
- Qchem compilation notes
- How to use qchem in ATLAS cluster (DIPC)
- How to use qchem in IQTC cluster (UB)
- Preliminar information
- Load custom modules
- Define hostfile (MPI parallel version only)
- Run interactive qchem
- Run interactive qchem in batch queue
- Batch job example parallel OpenMP (single node) [pe SMP] IQTC08
- Batch job example parallel MPI (multiple nodes) [pe MPI] IQTC04
- Batch job example parallel MPI (single node) [pe SMP] IQTC04
- How to use qchem in Mare Nostrum (BSC) [Currently not available!]
- Custom version of Avogadro visualization software
- On development features
- RAS-CI implementation scheme
- RAS-CI Contraction scheme
- Fragment localization
- Fractional Orbital Density (FOD)
- Spin polarization
- Sequential Diabatization
- SOC Natural Transition Orbitals (Spinless triplet density matrix NTOs)
- Wave function analysis of RAS-CI states
- Notes about diabatization in TDDFT method
- How to write in reStructuredText
- Development Q-Chem
- Other stuff
- How to contribute to this site
- Logos