How to write in reStructuredText

Math equations

This is a text with the equation \(3 · 3^2 + \Omega_2\) in the middle. Just start with “(:)math(:)” clausule and write the equation in LateX format between “`”.

This another text with an equation in the next paragraph.

\[\Omega = 3 + 4\]

You can define a label for the equation so you can cite later:

(1)\[e^{i\pi} + 1 = 0\]

The equation get a number and you can it cite as (1), and continue writting. Also you get an atomatic link to the equation.

read the docs for for information:

Include files

To include the content of file1.rst into file0.rst you can add the following line in file0.rst:

“.. include:: file1.rst”


It is also possible to write simple cites as this one [1] or this other [2]: This makes a link to the reference in the botom.

Just write the citation list wherever you want